Workout #1 - Aerobic Developement

 Hiking - Get Outside and Hike Around for an Hour or Two

Never under estimate the power of being outdoors.  Hiking around, enjoying nature and just having fun is a great way to give your body and mind a break from more intense training. Schedule a few fun hikes with friends this month and see how you feel.

Workout #2 - Improve Work Capacity

Resisted Crawls - Sandbag on your back, dragging a sled/chains, band resistance or similar.

  • Week 1: 30sec ON, 2min OFF for 30min total
  • Week 2: 30sec ON, 90sec OFF for 30min total
  • Week 3: 30sec ON, 60sec OFF for 30min total
  • Week 4: 30sec ON, 30sec  OFF for 30min total

Workout #3 - Strength Endurance - Complexes - Circuits

Sprint + Bodyweight Drills #1

1a. Sprint for 30 sec
1b. Push Ups for 30sec
1c. Lunges for 30sec
1d. Rest for 2min and repeat for 5 rounds.

Sprint + Bodyweight Drills #2

1a. Sprint for 30sec
1b. Medcine Ball Throws for 30sec
1c. Lateral Shuffles (5yds) for 30sec
1d. Rest for 2min and repeat for 5 rounds.