Hip Mobility, Stability, Strength and Power

The following drills and exercises can help keep the hips healthy, stable, strong and powerful.

If you sit all day and have lost mobility and strength in your hips, struggle with minor back pain or are just looking for a way to mix up your current workouts, these exercises and drills are a great place to start.

These drills can be used for warm up, recovery and/or during your workouts.  I would recommend trying all of these drills and making note on which ones are challenging.  If the drills are challenging, then those are the ones you need to work on and improve.  The strength and power sections are organized from easiest to hardest, so take your time and use the progressions as they are laid out.  This will help you develop the foundation of strength that is needed for more complex or intense drills.

CAUTION: If you have any acute pain during or after any of these drills, stop immediately.  These exercises should make you feel better, not create more problems.




